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University Giving

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Impact Report

Every day we come to campus, we do so with a firm belief that this is where the future begins — for students, for knowledge, and for the community.

Each comprised the three pillars of On the Rise: The Campaign for Sacramento State and, with your support, allowed us to provide the foundation for a student-centric academic experience, expand knowledge with new and engaging learning environments, and create enrichment opportunities for the Sacramento region.

You believe in Sacramento State and our ambition to prepare future generations to lead. You have created leaders, made the dreams of visionaries a reality, and strengthened our communities.

Thank you.
For your contributions.
For meeting our ambitions.
For believing in Sacramento State.

Together, we set out to change lives. Today, their futures are on the rise.

Campaign By the Numbers

Campaign data graphic with various result figures

Impact Figures

Campaign figures showing student and community reach

Nationwide Support

U.S. map showing alumni donations from every state

View and Print the Report

Read the full report to learn more about the campaign's impact, featured contributors, and those who led the way.

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